Curriculum Overview
Year 8 at Marymount College is a continuation of the journey of individual exploration of personal gifts, talents and faith, and a time for the awareness of development, challenge and change. In the unit Covenant students are introduced to the theme of covenant, as a unique relationship between God and God’s people, through an exploration of the actions and messages of some Old Testament prophets. They explore the Christian belief in God’s saving plan for all creation and ways in which all believers are part of God’s saving plan through their faith and action in the world.
Through the unit Movers and Shakers, students discover the significant challenges and changes in the Church from c.650 CE - c.1750 CE and the influence of significant people, groups and ideas at a time of reform, when many believers questioned the Church regarding its nature and role in the world. They develop their understanding of the many ways in which the Church is present and active in the world today and how prayer traditions such as The Liturgy of the Hours, meditative and contemplative prayer, were developed during the monastic era.
In the unit Unity and Diversity, students engage with a variety of images and words that express the mystery of the Trinity. They learn about the preaching, achievements and challenges of the earliest followers of Jesus, as described in The Acts of the Apostles. Students explore the action of the Eucharistic Liturgy, including participation in the liturgy, the significance of Baptism and the mystery of the Trinity as a fundamental belief that unites all Christians and the idea that all Christians are called to give witness to the ecumenical spirit throughout the world. In the unit Mission Matters students investigate Jesus’ mission through the critical study of the scriptures, the overall meaning of mission and the link between Baptism and the Christian call to mission. They study the Catholic Social Teachings, the cardinal virtues and the Church’s invitation for individuals to get involved and further the mission of Jesus as a response to emerging moral questions.
Throughout the four units students continue to develop their understanding of prayer in the Christian tradition through an exploration of The Liturgy of the Hours; meditative prayer, including praying with scripture; and meditative prayer practices, including centred breathing and attending to posture, the practice of the College prayer, the Peace Prayer of St. Francis, enhancing their own prayer life and ability to participate authentically in their faith community.