Mission and Vision


Educational Philosophy and Aims

All phases of schooling at Marymount College are underpinned by Brisbane Catholic Education's Learning and Teaching Framework and The Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Declaration (2019). The Alice Springs (Mparntwe - pronounced as 'M-ban-tua') Education Declaration sets the national vision for education for all Australians and notes two goals:

  1. The Australian education system promotes excellence and equity.
  2. All young Australians become:
    • Confident and creative individuals
    • Successful lifelong learners
    • Active and informed members of the community

Curriculum design and delivery at Marymount College is grounded in the Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration and is mindful of the declaration's goals. In alignment with the declaration, which promotes excellence and equity, we support students to achieve high standards and provide structures and adjusted strategies that enable equitable learning experiences. This is achieved within a faith-filled learning environment in which we are committed to supporting students to become confident and creative individuals, successful lifelong learners and active and informed members of the community.​