AFL wrap up for 2024

© Brisbane Catholic Education, Marymount College (2024)
On Sunday 15 October, our Senior Girls team played brilliantly. They gave it their all and represented us beautifully, they deserve to be congratulated. It means our Senior Girls team came 4th in the state, our best result in the senior girls division, a phenomenal achievement!
The staff and students started preparing for this tournament way back in February, and along the way there has been invaluable support from Nina Carroll, Jack Mitchell and Chris Larkin, and of course not forgetting their original coach, Cam Francis, who made the massive effort to get up there and cheer the girls on. It was great to see him, and he was very proud of his girls.
That's a wrap for AFL 2024, we're already looking forward to next year and maximising our new field out the back. Anyone who is keen to be a part of it, sing out and join the fun!
Matt Caroll
Year 12 Pastoral Leader