Crest and Motto

Marymount College-Emblem-C.jpgThe Marymount College Crest takes its inspiration from St Francis of Assisi (1182-1226). The Crest incorporates the Franciscan symbol of two crossed arms - the arm of Christ and the arm of St Francis. the hands of Christ and Francis are both wounded and we are reminded that for St Francis, the important thing in life was to follow Christ as closely as possible, so closely in face that he seemed to be transformed into an image of Christ.

In the centre of the Crest is a Cross, surrounded by rays of light. This is a reminder that our salvation through Christ's death and resurrection is the central reality of our lives as Christian. Christ the Light shows us how to find meaning in our lives. The Cross and the wounded hands are surrounded on the Crest by shining clouds, the clouds which cover two mountain tops, Mt Calvary, where the death of Jesus brought about our salvation, and Mt Alvernia where St Francis shared in the Passion of Jesus by receiving the Stigmata, the five wounds.

​© Brisbane Catholic Education, Marymount College (2025)​

These clouds symbolise the realities of Heaven, the new life which is ours as we live out the struggles and difficulties of life, supported by the strength of Christ.

The motto "Deus Meus et Omnia" - My God and My All - continually reminds us that, whatever we may strive for, there is little that we can achieve without God's help and guidance. The aim, therefore, is to create an environment that reflects the spirit of Christ in a strong and faithful way and calls forth the best in those who are part of the College Community.r​