© Brisbane Catholic Education, Marymount College (2023)
A Titration is a technique where a known solution is added to an unknown solution to determine its concentration. “The analysis to be conducted involves preparation of a standard solution of potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHP) (provided), standardisation of a solution of NaOH, and titration of a second sample of KHP” (RACI website). Marymount College has been participating in the Royal Australian Chemical Institute Annual Titration Competition for over 30 years. The Competition is held in two stages. First, schools participate in a State Competition, then the best results of all the States go on to the National Competition.
Unfortunately, most universities were unable to host the competition during 2021 due to the impact of COVID-19. Therefore, all Queensland schools were invited to take part in the Qld Titration Competition at their own school.
For several months, nine Year 11 students spent three hours a week in our Science laboratories learning the skill of titration. Not only did this help prepare students for the titration competition, it also served as a good foundation for developing deep understanding of volumetric analysis for Unit 3 of Senior Chemistry.
Three of the students got excellent results and received a High Distinction these were: Daria Misic, Nicholas Ranson and Makishi Tanaka. However, since this is a group competition, and these students were not in the same team, Marymount College did not proceed to the National Competition in 2021.
The Science Department would like to thank Ms Jenny Webster for again sharing her titration experience and skills, and Ms Pearce for staying back after school to offer support to our teams.
Mrs Kristina Baker
Head of Science