School-based apprenticeships and traineeships (SAT's) help young people to go places ... whether that's a full-time job, a trade career, university, TAFE or other training. The workplace skills and confidence they gain during their school-based apprenticeship or traineeship provide a solid foundation for any career.
Some of the advantages of school-based apprenticeships and traineeships include:
More flexibility and variety
The variety provided by school-based apprenticeships and traineeships can have enormous benefits for young people who prefer hands-on learning to traditional schooling pathways
Head start in a career
Young people employed as a school-based apprentice or trainee develop workplace skills, knowledge, confidence and have a competitive edge when applying for jobs. A SAT can lead directly to full-time employment once a student has left school
Nationally recognised qualifications
All school-based apprentices and trainees participate in vocational training that contributes to a Certificate III or higher vocational qualification which can count towards the student's Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)
An opportunity to learn and earn
School-based apprentices and trainees are paid while they learn workplace skills, gain confidence, and adapt to a work environment. It gives the student the opportunity to put skills learned at school into practice in a real work environment
Most students will complete their traineeship while they are at school, which means they leave school with points towards their QCE and a nationally recognised vocational certificate. Others go on to finish their apprenticeship or traineeship either full-time or part-time after they have left school. During 2019 there were over 60 students involved in SAT's, in areas such as Hospitality, Retail, Electro-technology, Business, Carpentry, Plumbing, Tourism, Sports and Recreation and Child Care.
Most students attend workplace training one day per week and school the other four days. As well as obtaining a Certificate level qualification, SAT's can also increase a student’s rank and increase chances for entry to TAFE or University. The school offers a flexible timetable, which enables students to study fewer subjects, or elect not to participate in the sports program, allowing them more time to spend studying or in workplace training
Visit for more information
- School Based Apprenticeship Traineeship Work Placement Attendance Policy.pdf