Responsibilities and tips for parents
School-based apprentices and trainees have responsibilities just like other parties to the training contract. As school-based apprentices and trainees are generally under the age of 18, their parent or guardian, who must provide signed consent will also have some responsibilities in relation to the SAT.
A parent or guardian’s consent is not required, for example, if the student is living independently.
Before your child commences a SAT, discuss the following first:
Talk to your child about their career goals and the apprenticeship or traineeship which will best suit their goals. Apprentice and trainees may only access a maximum of two government-funded contributions, therefore it is important that students (and their parents or guardians) consider if the SAT is appropriate and relates to the student’s future chosen career.
Seek support through your child’s school to discuss how the SAT may assist with QCE points and underpin tertiary study.
Develop strategies to balance the additional workload of school, work and training.
Consider and discuss transportation – how will your child get to his or her workplace?
Discuss responsibilities involved in being a paid member of the workforce.
Finishing school
Some students complete their traineeships while at school. However, many school-based apprentices and some school-based trainees will still be in the middle of their training when they finish school. All incomplete SATs are required to be converted to full-time or part-time arrangements when the student finishes school, to allow them to complete the qualification.
Conversion at the completion of Year 12 to full-time arrangements is an automatic process carried out by the Department of Education and Training. Those who wish to convert to part-time will be given the opportunity to advise the department before the conversion is complete.
Once a student converts to full-time or part-time arrangements, they will be required to pay student contribution fees to their nominated training organisation. Students should contact their training organisation as soon as possible to determine the costs of fees. Normal award wages and conditions apply and students should seek further assistance from the Fair Work Ombudsman on 13 13 94.